Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mirrors by Alex Dinser


They affirm our innate being.

A true reflection of our self.

More than just our physical appearance.

A look into our soul.

Our instincts point to reality.

Confronting our insecurities and fears.

Nowhere to hide.

Our core is revealed.

Words spoken before suddenly become harder to air.

Who we are.

Who we want to be.

No looking back.

Can you face yourself?


  1. I like the line in your poem that says, "No looking back." I never really thought of that in relation to mirrors. If there is "no looking back," do we need to avoid mirrors? What happens if we look back? Are we looking back, or is it our reflection?

  2. To bounce off of Professor Gonsior, Alex, this reminded me of some country song where the singer punches their rearview mirror so they don't look back.

    It is very scary to look at a mirror and see what you really look like. That takes so much courage to do. The sentence you ended on, "Can you face yourself?" really resonates; you draw the reader in and make them think. In writing this, you've asked core questions about yourself and your reader.

    You're one of the bravest people I know, Alex! This is a great poem. I'm so glad you submitted it!
