Monday, April 15, 2013

Picking Up the Flag by Rebekah Phillips

In the darkness

the drones are invisible

but they can be heard –

an eggbeater flying

over the Holy Land

the sound of its motor

echoing, echoing…

            a fire is burning.


Last night City

Centre was locked down.

This morning meat wagons

line up in jagged rows

the men who drive them

in full riot gear…

            the fire’s still burning.


Don’t say, the Protestants

are lighting fires

in front of City Hall

Don’t say, the Catholics

are dancing in Belfast confetti

at the interfaces and peace walls …

            it is not religion


The young people march

down Shankill Road

to meet the riot police

the eggbeaters droning overhead

The young people are

picking up the flag…

            it is nationalism, not religion.




1 comment:

  1. Your poetry is as powerful and unexpected as your fiction, Rebekah.
