Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Not to Do on a Date by Sheila Merchand

What not to do on a date:
1. Put things in their food like
2. Go to a BBQ while wearing white
3. Order things that the other is allergic too.
4. Call her/him by the wrong name
5. Compare them to your parents


  1. What sage advice, Sheila! Having to perform the Heimlich on someone who's choking on the ring you put in her food sure takes the romance out of the gesture.

  2. Although I haven't dated for years (make that decades!), I think your advice is great! You definitely don't want to wear white to a BBQ. That would just be inviting disaster!

  3. Oh my gosh, Sheila, I loved this! It's always awkward when you call your significant other the wrong name...or when you order food they're allergic to...this made me laugh. Thank you for that!
